Local cartoon artist Gerald Gaitan is always drawing a cartoon to make someone smile or laugh, advice that was given to him by Legendary Cartoon Icon Joe Barbera who was co-founder of “Hanna-Barbera” Studios that produced many Saturday morning cartoons such as, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Yogi Bear, and Scooby Doo just to name a few. Joe Barbera once said “ Life is about helping others when you can and making someone smile or laugh.” In May of 2024 Mr. Gaitan was diagnosed with stage 2 Prostate Cancer and was going to undergo Proton Treatments at Loma Linda University Health, now it was him who needed a smile now that he was facing a new difficult challenge in his life.
He recalls, “on the first day my treatments were to begin, I was walking through the hallways with questions running through my mind, Why Me? How did this happen? How could I have prevented this? Am I going to beat this?’ As I sat in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called, I was surrounded by other patients that I could clearly see were also battling this awful disease called cancer that doesn’t care who it affects, young or old. One of the most difficult situations for me to see is a child battling cancer. After receiving my first treatment, I walked back down those hallways, to the parking lot, and into my car where I began to sob. This time the questions running through my mind were, ok God, why them? How are You allowing this to happen? God, I’ll trade places with any of those children any day…I found myself questioning God instead of trusting Him. So I asked God to take my hand and be with me through this journey I was now on. He gave me the strength not only for me, but to be able to encourage and pray for others who I met
during my visits. I met some amazing, wonderful people who were also facing a battle, but because I want to protect their privacy, I won’t mention their names. The laughter,smiles and individual stories we shared with each other gave us what we each needed, encouragement. We were not alone, and we were going to fight for each other, not physically, but spiritually. I Learned that 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and is the most common cancer in men. Early PSA screenings with regular checkups can increase a successful rate. Family history significantly increases a man’s risk. I also learned more about the Ronald McdDonald House, which I’ve heard before but never took the time to really get more familiar with until now. I met a young teen who was battling brain cancer, who shared his story with me, after his radiation treatments, because it left him weak, he would stay at the Ronald McDonald House for the night. I now realize how much help they provide for families. Meeting many cartoon animation legends, such as the last 4 remaining artists who worked with Walt Disney, Chuck Jones, Director of many Warner Bros cartoons, Bill Melendez, Director of many Charlie Brown cartoons, and my personal friend and Mentor Dick Bickenbach who worked as a layout artist for many Hanna-Barbera cartoons gave me the opportunity to donate some collectible artwork to the Ronald McDonald House for their silent auctions they do to help raise money. I encourage anyone to help in any way possible to support your local Ronald McDonald House. I thank ALL the Cancer Medical staff, especially the Proton Technicians, and especially my Oncologist, Dr. Shin who walked this journey alongside me, and who always took my hands and prayed with me after each visit, you are a Blessing. Prayer and Medicine do work together. So God did answer some of my questions (and prayers), “Why Me” ? … to bring awareness to men to have medical
checkups, early detection is important. Pray for Men, Women, and Children who are battling Cancer, and could use a smile, laugh and encouragement. And be thankful for your Blessings, someone else has it worse than you.