Heritage Snapshot Part 218 Window of Hope

By: Richard Schaefer

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Richard Schaefer

Photo Description:

Robert Olson, award-winning artist, stands in front of his painting with two girls, patients—Liza Caldera (in wheelchair) and Analisa Olvera, at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.

LOMA LINDA >> In 1993, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital commissioned award-winning artist, Robert Olson, to “paint something meaningful for our patients and their families.” The artist felt a significant message had to be conveyed because the Children’s Hospital is a uniquely special place for children that need a symbol of hope for themselves and for all who pass through its doors. Soon after accepting the assignment, the Olson’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This sadness was something that could not help but affect the painting. The realization that this oil painting was to become a symbol of the medical institution from which his father, Dr. Rolland A. Olson, graduated in 1946, made him want this project to succeed even more. Prior to starting the painting, the artist visited each unit of the Children’s Hospital, speaking with the pediatric patients in order to gain their perspective. The children were brutally honest about their diseases. Yet, hope remained the one thing they all had in common. In his search for a model, Olson came across a beautiful little girl with rosy cheeks and a cheery smile. He discovered that her family had “lived” at the children’s hospital for 14 months with their baby, named Lily. The mother was able to share her hopes, joys and the pain of one child who died and one child who lives. The artist now realized what he needed to paint. He carefully planned the symbolism he would use — from the color palette selected, to the personal props, to the carefully placed three angels and to the symbolic lilies arranged in a vase. Then, the little girl is pulling back the veil allowing the light to bathe the room with hope. All have been beautifully and sensitively captured in this original oil painting. The funding for the painting came from the National Auxiliary’s “Tree of Angels” annual campaign, where contributions are made in memory or in honor of loved ones. At the dedication, former Congresswoman Shirley Pettis, first chair of the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation, said, “With held breath we watched the curtain rise on your exquisite masterpiece. What a moment! And there was not a dry eye. The symbolism of hope radiates from the picture. And hope is an ephemeral thing. How did you ever catch it so movingly? I am sure 'Window of Hope' will bring great inspiration to thousands!” A Past-President of the LLUMC Auxiliary said, “I have never been in an assembly of 200-300 people and seen them carried along with such inspiration and beauty to focus on something so profound in the human experience. You seemed to be reaching to the very bottom of our souls. Robert, you have a most unusual and precious gift.” The unveiling of “Window of Hope” was, indeed, a spiritual experience for everyone present. “Thanks for this painting,” said Dr. John Mace, Medical Director and Physician-in-Chief of the Children’s Hospital. “But most of all, thanks for sharing part of yourself with us. What a blessing this painting will be to thousands of people who view it.” The “Window of Hope” is displayed in the main lobby of Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.