by Susan Onuma on 2015-06-29

Loma Linda University Health’s Drayson Center Preventive Care Clinic and Loma Linda University School of Public Health are sponsoring summer cooking classes that will help you slim down, and feel and look great. Karen Breyer, RN, MPH, CHES, cooking class instructor said, “We will offer instruction, tips, and recipes that are part of the Full Plate Diet, a diet rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods with high fiber content) that is an integral part of the Drayson Center’s 8-week weight management program. There has been a substantial amount of medical research that supports fiber as a proven way to lose weight and stay healthy.” Classes will be held in the Basaraba Garden at the Drayson Center from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the following dates: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 28, and August 4. The enrollment fee for the cooking classes is $75.00 for Drayson Center members and $85.00 for non-members. “The Full Plate Diet” was developed by Stuart A. Seale, M.D., Theresa Sherard M.D., and Diana Fleming, PhD, LDN. “The premise of the ‘Full Plate Diet’ is that fiber fills you up, and by adding fiber to your diet you’ll eat fewer calories,” Breyer stated. Fewer calories mean you lose weight. The beauty of the ‘Full Plate Diet’ is you don’t have to count calories—they take care of themselves.”