by Chester Wallace on 2017-05-24

SB/LL/GT/CC/RED>> The city of San Bernardino departments located at City Hall are moving to office buildings located a quick walk or short drive from City Hall.

Independent building evaluations revealed that the building may suffer significant structural failure in the event of a large magnitude earthquake. This would prevent City officials from providing adequate emergency management services in case of an large magnitude earthquake. Therefore, a majority of City departments are temporarily moving to four downtown office buildings for approximately two years.

Given the move to multiple buildings, the City is opening a City Information Center at Vanir Tower, an office building located adjacent to City Hall, to assist the public during this time of transition. The City Information Center address is 290 North D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401. City representatives will be available to answer questions and direct visitors to the proper locations. All departments located at City Hall, with the exception of Water Department Customer Service offices, are expected to have completed their move over the upcoming weekend and reopen at their new locations on Monday, May 22.

The San Bernardino Municipal Water Department’s Customer Service Offices will move to a new and permanent location approximately two miles away from City Hall. Water Customer Service offices will close at 12 p.m. on Friday, May 26 and reopen at their new location on Tuesday, May 30. The address is 1350 South E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92408.

The City expects to continue to utilize the civic area in downtown for community events and programs regardless of the City Hall closure. The building will remain vacant until a decision can be made on a seismic retrofit. City Hall will be secured with a decorative fence featuring city information and artwork. In the meantime, efforts are being made to update the City’s 201 building, located across the City Hall parking structure, to accommodate city service offices in the future.

SB Third Thursdays Food Fest, a lunchtime food truck event at Court Street Square adjacent to City Hall, was able to continue as planned. The program, slated for Thursday, May 18, opened from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Court Street Square parking lot. The City expects to continue to utilize Court Street Square and the downtown area for city events.